Monday, February 28, 2011

This Is My Story

There’s a principle in church ministry that states that any ministry should have volunteers from the church to lead and handle the whole idea of the specific ministry. Until then, the ministry should not start. You wait until people with a passion and gifts to lead a children’s ministry to start a Kids Korner Explorers (ages 3-6) and now to launch the next phase of children's ministry - Discovery Kidz (ages 7-12).  Now is the time for these things and more as seen in the timing of God.

When we trust in God to open the doors, allow Him to inspire the hearts of the people, and let Him raise up volunteers, leaders, and behind-the-scenes worker, the road ahead will be worth the journey.

It is similar to the journey we as individuals and families take in life. As I look back on my three-plus decades of life here in New York, there are ups, downs, victories, defeats, surprises, embarrassments, and learning experiences. As you enter each new stage in life you quickly realize it comes with a new set of responsibilities and expectations.

The college years you experience freedom that you can exploit for your own demise or you can capitalize the opportunities to build your future. After getting that degree and landing that job – where in this economic state of the country might be hard to do – you feel the pressure of having to find a spouse. (That’s a whole other post.) You get married and start your family life and wear the husband/wife hat. Up to this point, most of us have only worried about our self-preservation and maintenance. After getting married you realize there is someone else’s well-being you are mandated to care for. Then comes the greatest joy and responsibility – being a parent.

Each stage presents its own challenges and questions. Which college do I select? Which major/profession do I pursue? Which company do I work for? Do I stay in New York or move out of state? What am I looking for in a spouse? Where do we live? How do we pay the mortgage?

Each stage has its highlights. You get the scholarship to your first choice college. You graduate with honors and have a job lined up. You get promoted. You get engaged, married, and then comes a little bundle of joy. You become new homeowners.

I’m glad to say that God will only lead us where His grace can keep us. If we are in the will of God, just enjoy the ride. Even with all the bumps along the way, the journey is definitely worth it because you know that God’s hand is on your life.

There is one principle I try to live by which is to not stress or complain over things I cannot control but put my best effort into things I have influence over and trust God to do the rest. Let the defeats roll off your back and move forward. Learn the lesson from the experience and apply it if similar circumstances present themselves in your life. Don’t let the victories get to your head because pride comes before the fall (mom’s occasional advice). Learn from the victorious experiences as well – there are lessons there too. What did you do differently that gave you the victory? Hopefully, God is involved in the process.

Enjoying This Ride,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Almost Here!


Enjoy the Ride,


Monday, February 7, 2011

Check Out The Fire

How many times has someone or something captured our attention by doing something unusual or unexpected?  An accident on the road leads to rubbernecking.  A shocking statement from someone.  An amazing act of kindness done for us by someone. 

In Exodus chapter 3, the angel of the Lord caught the attention of Moses who was walking by in a distance tending to a flock of sheep.  A bush on the mountain was lit on fire.  An unusual scene on the side of a mountain stopped Moses in his tracks.  God gets our attention in unusual ways so we can get closer to Him.  Moses had a choice to make, does he just ignore it and keep going or does he get closer and investigate.  He decided to get closer.  As he got closer he realized the bush is on fire but it was not being destroyed.  When he got to the exact spot he needed to be the voice of God called out, "Moses"!  God was watching him during this whole time.

God had His angel light the bush on fire to get Moses' attention.  Sometimes areas of our life feel like they are on "fire" and through that God gets our attention.  We can choose to get closer to find out why its on "fire" or ignore it and walk away.  Keep in mind that God is watching our moves.  If we decide to and make the effort to investigate through prayer and meditation of His word, God won't send an angel to respond to us, but He Himself will call us out by our name. 

If we get close enough to where He needs us to be in His presence, we will hear the voice of God calling us.  How powerful and calming it would be to hear the voice of God, calling us by our name?  To know that He knows what we are going through.  To realize He is watching us even in our tough times.  He lit a fire in our life so He can get our attention and not to destroy us, which means He still cares about us. 

Enjoy The Ride,


P.S. Remember that it does require our obedience and holiness to be in His presence. Where He is, it is holy ground.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Service Updates...1 Month In

A few updates on the 1-month new Community Worship Service:

1. First month has come and gone.  Five services with total attendance of 175 and 20 first time visitors.  That's an average of 35 people and 4 first time visitors per week.  The goal was to average 25 in the first month.  God is faithful go above our expectations.  Word is spreading in ways we don't even imagine. 

2. This past Sunday - 1/30/11 - there were 35 people in attendance with 10 first time visitors.  What an awesome experience.  The guest minister was on point sharing his life testimony of God's healing power in his life.  He also exhorted from the Bible about prayer and hope to get a fresh start. 

3. Lessons learned are:
- the 1 hour flies by...before you know it the service is over. 
- simplicity of having just Worship (songs) and Word (sermon) is effective
- excellence is required at all times from everyone
- teams are necessary and crucial

4. Looking Ahead ...
- This coming month will focus on the theme: LEGACY OF LOVE.  God loves people, people love God and people need to love people.
- A great community outreach will take place at the end of February ... the Winter VBS.  Preparations are underway and registrations are coming in. 
- Children's ministry is expanding with a new phase to reach kids ages 7 thru 12.  That will launch this Sunday, February 6, 2011 from 10:30 am to 11:20 am.

God is definitely hearing the prayers that are being sent up to Him.  He is sending down the answers in different ways.  Moving ahead with great people and trusting in Him. 

Enjoying This Ride,
