Wednesday, October 30, 2013


October 31 is a controversial date for many individuals. For some, it is a day where kids dress up in costumes and go door-to-door asking for candy. To others, the day is filled with witchcraft and the worship of Satan.

My family and the church I pastor and am a part of does not endorse or celebrate the day of Halloween.

Historically, the origins of Halloween as we know it find their root in the Celtic culture of 300 BC. Priests known as Druids instilled fear in the hearts of the people with their witchcraft and evil ways (Tom C McHenry). Halloween has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival known as Samhain. The festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the harvest season in Gaelic culture, and is sometimes regarded as the "Celtic New Year". Traditionally, the festival was a time used by the ancient pagans to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, now known as Halloween, the boundary between the alive and the deceased dissolved, and the dead become dangerous for the living by causing problems such as sickness or damaged crops. The festivals would frequently involve bonfires, into which bones of slaughtered livestock were thrown. Costumes and masks were also worn at the festivals in an attempt to mimic the evil spirits or placate them. In light of this, why do we as Christians seemingly celebrate such a holiday?

The term Halloween is shortened from All Hallows' Even (both "even" and "eve" are abbreviations of "evening", but "Halloween" gets its "n" from "even"), as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day", which is now also known as All Saints' Day. It was a day of religious festivities in various northern European Pagan traditions, until Popes Gregory III and Gregory IV moved the old Christian feast of All Saints' Day from May 13 (which had itself been the date of a pagan holiday, the Feast of the Lemures) to November 1. In the ninth century, the Church measured the day as starting at sunset, in accordance with the Florentine calendar. Although All Saints' Day is now considered to occur one day after Halloween, the two holidays were, at that time, celebrated on the same day. Liturgically, the Church traditionally celebrated that day as the Vigil of All Saints, and, until 1970, a day of fasting as well. Like other vigils, it was celebrated on the previous day if it fell on a Sunday, although secular celebrations of the holiday remained on the 31st. The Vigil was suppressed in 1955, but was later restored in the post-Vatican II calendar.

Just how are Christians supposed to respond? Can we take advantage of the only day in the year where our neighbors come to our doorstep? Can we love our neighbor at least one day a year in front of our own home?  Can the church capitalize on this opportunity to share Jesus along with some candy? Even if we don’t go to them 364 days, can we share the light when they come to us 1 day? Should we even dare walk the neighborhood going to each house to GIVE rather than to RECEIVE?

As your neighbors go for “trick-or-treats”, please use these opportunities to shine bright by extending the message of the Gospel with practicality, love, and wisdom.

Enjoy The Ride, 

Pastor Cecil

Friday, October 18, 2013





I stepped out of the house, my hand on the handle as I shut the door behind me.
My eyes scanned the skies as I began my casual stroll across the street. It was a great day.
I needed to go pick up my car from the service shop that was a few blocks from my house. And so I walked.
I snuck my hand in my pocket to grab my phone, whipped it out, and swiped my index finger across the lockscreen in a dizzying pattern to unlock the phone.
I didn’t get it right on the first swipe. Or the second swipe.
But the third swipe was the charm. Unlocked.
I checked some emails I received in the morning while I continued my walk, noticing the large corner house and its ample lawn out from the corner of my eye. The grass was short and neat as it met the edges of the sidewalk.
I was still fixated on the words plastered across my phone’s screen when I turned the corner, pivoting as if I was tracing the outline of the neat, rectangular lawn with my stroll.
And then I heard it.
A faint, low, sustained growl.
My head turned immediately. My body froze.
The pit bull thrust itself at me with its hind legs, barking at the top of its lungs, racing towards me. A chill went down my spine.
I should have run. I should have stood my ground. I should have done anything, really. But, I fell backwards as I saw my life flashing before my eyes.
The dog roared as if it was protecting something sacred on that lawn as it darted towards me at full speed, saliva spilling from its mouth onto the grass. I lifted my arm to cover my face, turning away, expecting the worst.
And, then, the rope that tethered the dog to its post whipped loudly, holding taut as it limited the beast to the outer edge of the lawn.
The dog tried lunging some more. Tried barking some more. Tried moving its legs some more. But the rope wasn’t giving up any more ground.
I rose to my feet, brushed off the back of my shirt and stared at the belligerent dog.
I grinned a little. I was a block away from the shop. And I had almost been mauled to smithereens by an uncontrollable pit bull.
But the rope that tethered it made sure that the dog’s bark was bigger than its bite.
And only one thought popped up in my head as I turned and continued the stroll towards the shop…
“Am I Christian?”


I’m compelled to write this post for several reasons. But the one that stands out most to me is the one that seems the most obvious.
Imagine if Christians got together and compiled a Universal List of all of Jesus Christ’s attributes. Every single one of them. You know, the attributes of Christ that “being Christian” requires Christians to emulate. You know, the attributes of Christ that “being Christian” shouldn’t trip up people like Mahatma Gandhi, who famously said:
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
I believe that, towards the top of this Universal List, what would be incredibly important and yet so often disregarded… is “forgiveness.”
And you might read that and shrug. Because you’ve done it. You’ve squashed all the beef you’ve ever had with anybody on earth. You’ve made peace with everybody who has ever wronged you in the past. Congratulations on this grand accomplishment.
For the rest of us, however, “being Christian” is a continual process. One that’s more about “emulating Christ” than it is about the running tally we have of Christian Conferences we’ve attended. Or the tweets during church that the cool speaker blew our minds away with. Or the blogs we’ve written. Or the songs we’ve led from on stage.
“Being Christian” is less about what we can do to show that we’re Christian than it is about actually being like Christ.
For a lot of us, our barks are louder than our bites.
We show face. We wear the label of “Christian” proudly on our sleeves. But we can’t bother to forgive the person next to us that really hurt us deeply the other day. The other week. The other month. The other year.
We are the tethered dogs that bark as if we have something sacred to share with the world.
But the rope holds taut and we aren’t nearly as effective as we’d be if we weren’t tethered to begin with.
What’s the rope holding us back? Not enough tweets? Not enough services? Not enough concerts? Not enough fellowship?
The rope holding us back is not enough forgiveness.


Jesus Christ’s time on earth was fascinating.
He was sent to shift the world from a system dictated by recompense to one dictated by forgiveness. And He did this in the most effective way you could imagine.
By forgiving people.
There’s the dramatic Hollywood-esque scene in the garden. Jesus is hanging out with the disciples after His tearful, heartbreaking prayer to God when Judas marches in with his contingent of armed officers, police, and priests, ready to betray Him. Jesus walks up and asks who they’re after. The soldiers tell Him that they’re looking for “Jesus the Nazarene.” Jesus tells them to leave the disciples alone and take Him into custody if He is who they came for. Peter, seeing all of this, draws out His sword to protect his Teacher. He chops off the ear of one of the men in his haste to retaliate. And Christ reprimands Peter, acknowledging He’s ready to accept His fate. In the Book of Luke, it’s added that Christ proceeds to heal Malchus’s sliced ear before walking away for His interrogation and eventual death.
And there’s the compelling scene on the cross. Christ has been whipped, beaten, thrown upon a cross, and mocked. The crowd is in a frenzy, and still, His only concern is to ask God to “forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”
When the world expected retaliation, Christ responded with love. It was the opposite of what His wrongdoers deserved. And yet, He chose to forgive anyway.
Why is this important?
Because the drama of the gall with which the world expects usto react was diminished by the guts with which Christresponded to the world.
The guts of grace.
The guts of giving the other cheek.
The guts of taking our place.
The guts of God loving the world so much that He sent Christ to die for us in order for believers to not perish.
Because we were supposed to die forever instead!
The twist in the narrative is that we deserved none of this kindness. This love. This grace.
At the core, what made Christ who He was… was the grace that screamed:
“I know you don’t really deserve this and I know you’re probably just gonna treat me ungratefully afterwards, but I’m gonna forgive you for everything you’ll ever do anyway. Because I really, truly, absolutely am madly in love with you. So, I’m gonna take the fall for you instead.”
And that’s worth emulating.


Too many Christians dodge.
We dodge that coffee shop down the street because somebody that we used to know but we can’t forgive might be there.
We dodge that church event because bumping into the jilted lover we can’t forgive would be awkward.
We dodge that study session because we can’t forgive a friend of a friend who cheated on a friend who we’re really tight with.
We dodge because we can’t forgive.
Enough already.
If we can not forgive people, we are missing the most critical element of what it means to be Christian at all. The truth is that holding grudges and harboring resentment and reacting vitriolically have absolutely no place in the mechanism of Christianity.
Because Christ forgave us!
You can tweet all you want. You can Instagram all the awesome photos from meetings and photos of children smiling. You can go to all the mission trips you want. You can lead worship for 100 years. You can preach until the end of time.
But if you can not forgive the people that have done you wrong, you are an ineffective witness for Christ.
Because you are saying one thing and doing another.
Because you are barking at the world to let them know that there’s something sacred on your lawn, but the rope that tethers you will demonstrate that you’re not really up to this.
It’s time to rise up as a church and stop with the dodging. The grudges. The resentment. The vitriol.
It’s time to sit down with your brothers and sisters and forgive. Let them know you love them.
Forgiveness breaks the rope that tethers our witness.


I was at a retreat this past weekend, and I was burdened by guilt. And so I prayed. My heart broke. And I knew exactly what I had to do.
So, I let this person know that I finally forgive them for everything they’ve done to me. I was done with the years of dodging them outright. Of not talking to them. Of not being transparent.
Because I refuse to be an ineffective witness for Christ.
I’m not sharing this because I’m a good guy. Or because I deserve accolades. Or because I’m some sort of beacon of hope for society. Instead, I’m sharing this because I do not want to be the tethered dog.
I can blog and lead worship and smile and share Christ’s love for years, but if I’m not forgiving others… if we’re not forgiving others, we are not really “being Christian”.
So, forgive.
Not because they deserve your forgiveness. But, rather, because you didn’t deserve yours.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Love With Its' Work Boots On

Luke chapter 10 highlights a story Jesus shares to the professors of law at Pharisee University.  He just shared an answer that we know as the "Greatest Commandments".  And a professor at this training session tries to weasel out of his responsibilities and asks a question to justify his inaction or hardened heart.  This story we have learned, memorized, and even branded in culture as the "Good Samaritan" story.

We are wired for love.  A love that endures.  A love that built to last.  That kind of love requires kindness.  I want to focus on four things about KINDNESS from this story.  The victim is gasping for his breaths, beaten, wounded, and bleeding to death probably.  First we must affirm that kindness is love in action.

1. See the needs of people around us.  To see people, things, situations, we have to slow down.  When see the stranded driver on side of road, we slow down as we approach especially if we have a feeling its someone we might know.  The pastor and the brother from church saw the dying man on the road but passed by. 

To the "victims": Some have seen you hurting and dying but are too afraid to get down and dirty with you to help you get back up.  But hold on, your help is on the way. 

2. Feel their pain. Sympathy means the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune, etc.  Feeling their pain requires risk, courage, humility, patience, and listening.  Ask them what's going on?  Where does it hurt?  How can I help you, serve you?  

To the "victims": People might slow down to see you struggling but wont feel you because they have other things on their mind.  They have people to see, places to be, things to do.  But hold on, your help is on the way. 

3. This is your chance, take it. The Samaritan man went down to the victim on the road to look at him from the same level.  He got off his high horse, rolled up his sleeves, wrinkled his ironed shirt, got his hands dirty, and said I'm going to help you.  When God presents an opportunity to live out love, what do we with it?  It might interrupt our plans, schedule, and routine.  But take a risk of love and kindness and see how God shows up. May God open our eyes, ears, hearts, minds, and bodies to love not only Him but him. 

To the "victims": You held on a little longer and your help is here.  It's not where you expected it from, but it's here.  It's not your family, your church, your pastor, your friends, but it's Jesus.  We were once enemies with God because of sin but through Jesus death on the cross we have become new creations and co-heirs with Christ. 

4. There is a price to pay for kindness.  If we do something for someone expecting something in return that's not kindness, that's a chore or a job.  Kindness has no strings attached.  The Samaritan man had just finished his grocery shopping for home and used what he had with him to help the man in need.  That could mean sharing your dinner with someone.  That could mean using your vehicle, paying tolls and using gas to help someone get somewhere.  That could mean that you don't keep a tally of anything you've done either. 

To the "victims": You are receiving something you didn't expect or deserve.  That is GRACE.  You didn't do anything to earn it, but you just got the best the man had.  Receive the love, grace, and mercy of God it in the middle of your pain, ruins, and ashes and allow Jesus to help you.  If you do receive Him and His love for you, He's about to take you to places you never imagined. What Satan and his minions meant for harm, God will turn it around for good.  Just hold on and let Jesus heal you and lead you ... just ENJOY THE RIDE!

Do you know someone that needs a "Good Samaritan" in their life right now? What do you have to give? Don't pass them by but reach out to them with kindness - LIVE OUT LOVE! "Your hand is God's hand for that person." Proverbs 3:27 (MSG)  Have you put those boots in the closet, stored away?  We might need to take them out and keep them handy.  

Enjoying The Ride,

Pastor Cecil

The blog posts this week was strategic by the Holy Spirit.  The message from last Sunday is here for your viewing: 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

God Isn't Our Heavenly Vending Machine

I'm not the only one that's walked up to the high-tech vending machine, scanned the rows and columns, found the M&Ms or popcorn, memorize the code (B4), put in the money, push B 4 and watch it drop in pure amazement.  If it doesn't come fast enough, or gets stuck in the process, we start pushing, kicking, and maybe screaming at the machine.  

At times I wonder do we as Christ-followers see Him as our heavenly vending machine.  We go to Him knowing what we want, and expect to just hit the right buttons with our prayer and Bible reading, and stand there waiting for Him to respond in a matter of seconds.  Wait a minute.  No, literally, what if you had to wait a minute, or even a week, or a year, or maybe a lifetime to get what you asked for from God.  How many ways would we be pushing, pulling, (maybe not kicking), but definitely screaming at God because He didn't give us what we want? 

We might go to Him wanting something specific, desiring something noble, hoping for something glorious and eternal.  But sometimes, just sometimes, He will not move at our beckon call.  He has His ways, His timing, His thoughts, His plan.  As He provides the circumstances of our life, our responsibility is to provide a response.  And most of the time, that response is called PATIENCE. 

Patience calls for us to cooperate with God.  "There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next." (Romans 5:3-4)  Passionate patience! Seriously, is that possible?  The issue at home, work, life, school isn't there to destroy you but to make you stronger and wiser.  Get ready.

As we respond with patience we discover a greater perspective than just the here and now! God has the best point of view on our life and is in our tomorrow before we get there.  If we are patient with Him today, we can join Him tomorrow.  

As we respond with patience we deepen our love for God and others.  God is making us stronger through the waiting period.  He is stretching our mind, heart, body, and soul to stand firm on Him. The more firmly we are rooted in Him, the more patient we become because patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit we are to bear.  

As we respond with patience we depend on the power and presence of Jesus.  Paul writes in Colossians 1:11, "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy," You can't avoid but be impatient in this world, society, culture. We can't wait to get rid of 3G for 4GLTE.  We can't wait for the cashier in training to get our order right.  We can't wait for our kids to read (Go Abi).  We can't wait for our spouse to just "get us".  We simply just can't wait.  May I suggest we can, if we are depending on Jesus in every area of our life.

The vending machines really don't have whats best for us in the long run.  The best snack or meal is waiting for us at home but we satisfy a craving because we can't wait to get back home.  

We need to realize He wants the best for us.  He will not hold back anything good for us.  With that guarantee, I encourage you to hold on a  little longer.  Please cooperate with God.  It's going to go against every fiber of your being to wait but let Jesus be in our fiber of our being and if He is, we can wait patiently and with joy.  His timing is EVERYTHING & BEAUTIFUL.  Our wait cannot be miserable and tedious but hopeful and joyful.  

Enjoy The Ride, 

Pastor Cee

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


10 Cultural Responsibilities for Staff & Leaders in the Church

Updated Oct 05, 2013        
  1. I'm a can do person!
  2. This is not my job, this is my life!
    1. John 10:11-13
  3. I will serve the Lord with gladness!
    1. Don't think about minimums
  4. Empowerment starts with me!
  5. I am not on the gossip train
  6. I am one of them, not one of us
  7. I'll bring those around me on the journey
  8. My tone of voice is not whiny
    1. Be positive, be a source of encouragement... It's Replenishing!
    2. Opinion doesn't build a church, the counsel of God does
  9. I Delegate.. Not dump!
  10. My spirituality is attractive!
    1. People should be drawn to you based on your relationship with God.
Cultural terms we should focus on:
  • Replenishing
  • Life giving
  • Inclusive
  • Loving
  • Passionate
Hillsong Conference
- Pastor Brian Houston
Had the pleasure of sitting in a "staff" meeting with Pastor Brian Houston at the Hillsong Conference NYC.  Praying that God will speak and mold for our church!
Enjoy the Ride,
Pastor Cecil

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


After sharing the message on Vision Sunday on how God is calling us to STRETCH the tent curtains wide, I got stretched literally the next day.  Met up with a couple of guys from church to start a workout routine and all we did was mostly stretching exercises.  Barely made it home for a quick shower and just knocked out.  The result: couldn't do all the reps, almost puked, almost passed out, sore two days later.  

When we stretch, we will be more vulnerable.  
When we stretch, we will be uncomfortable, unfamiliar
When we consistently stretch, we will be more flexible, pliable, and agile. 
When we stretch, we are trusting the process not looking for immediate results but transformation over time. 

Oh, was I talking about what my body will go through?  No, I was talking about out our minds, hearts, and lives.  If it's not costly, uncomfortable, or difficult it probably lacks the capacity to add value to your life. Let's not look for the safe easy way. Take the road less traveled. Get ready to be stretched and watch yourself get stronger in God and Him do amazing things in, for, and through your life. 


Enjoy The Ride, 

Pastor Cee

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ground Zero The Threshing Floor

I can still remember being at work that morning and hearing the news spread across the office in suburban Long Island.  Turned on the televisions to witness something so loud cause such silence. I left from there to my college campus and caught up with a group of friends and just spent the day there watching all of it unfold.  In a distance from SJU, you could see the smoke billowing up in the air.  So close yet so far.  My mom, who works in downtown NYC, spared from that tragic scene because she was sick and didn't go into work that week.

For all those that were affected by the events of 9/11/2001, even if the world, your country, your fellow citizen, your leaders, might only remembers you on the anniversary, I know a KING that sees you, hears you, knows you, and loves you every moment of your life.  Look to Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords! He is your healer, redeemer, friend, counselor, friend, and Savior.

God can transform your ground zero, your threshing floor, into a place of freedom, deliverance, and joy!  Give Him a chance!

Monday, July 29, 2013


The Holy Spirit revealed this little nugget while meditating on Matthew 25:31-46.  

Jesus challenges and encourages us to be righteous and live out the faith we have in Him.  There is a day coming that there will be a time of separation based on not only what we believe but how we lived out what we believe.  Faith without works is dead.  

Jesus might not appear to us everyday in the same silhouette or portrayal we have seen in Passion of Christ, images, wall decor, etc... He just might decide to appear in disguise.  Jesus might show up in the form of a hungry child, a thirsty man, a stranger, a "naked" person, a sick mom, or a person in "prison".  The obvious is taking the literal and responding accordingly.  We must do the practical of welcoming these "Jesus in disguise" people into our schedule and circumstances.

If you allow me to dig a little further, I believe we are to welcome these situations because there is a deeper desire that needs to be met.  

I / YOU Principle ... There might be a wall (/) of fear, hesitancy, ignorance, separating the "I" and the "YOU".  

"I" am Hungry / "YOU" can offer the Bread of Life.  His life-changing and satisfying Word.
"I" am Thirsty / "YOU" can offer hope.  Hope that reaches out & holds on to Jesus. 
"I" am a Stranger / "YOU" can offer a home, the church. The place to crash, stay, grow, belong!
"I" am Naked / "YOU" can offer a covering called respect, dignity, and restoration. 
"I" am Sick / "YOU" can offer prayer, comfort, help, healing in the name of Jesus. 
"I" am in Prison / "YOU" can offer freedom from the chains of Satan by the blood of Jesus.  

Some of us are the "I"s!  Some of us are the "YOU"s! What is the catalyst that transforms...

I / YOU 
I __ YOU

Just staring at that line screams out one word...


The catalyst is LOVE!  Jesus is telling us to bring down the wall (/) and lay down our pride and self and let LOVE flow (___) out from us into the people & situations around us.  

He is teaching, commanding, encouraging, challenging us to LIVE OUT LOVE!  We do it because one day we were the "I"s and a "YOU" lived out love.  We do it because Jesus let His love flow into our lives and it must flow out of us.

So when Jesus shows up in disguise this week, please know that our response will have eternal impact for you and them alike.  LIVE OUT THE LOVE we received!

Enjoying The Ride, 

Pastor Cee

Monday, July 8, 2013

Children's Day at CWS

The kids here caught the bug. We believe in and will celebrate children and the next generation.

Honored and privileged to announce a very special person as the speaker for Children's Day ... Sheena Mathew (she promised she won't cry).

Come out with the whole family and celebrate what God is doing!


Do I wear my heart on my sleeve? Yes.

Does it hurt sometimes? Yes.

Does it help sometimes? Yes.

Is it taken advantage of at times? Yes.

Is it ignored at times? Yes.

Is it seen as being naive? Possibly.

Do I wish to control it?  Yes.

Do I realize this is who God made me to be? Yes

What you see is what you get!

I rather be transparent than "shady".

Be who God created you and is transforming you to be.  Remember that its all for Him and His glory.  If not, you'll live and die an unhappy, ungrateful, and empty person.  Honor Him and He will honor you!

Enjoy The Ride,

Pastor Cee

Friday, June 7, 2013

Defiance: Rebels Without A Cause

There's a huge fight going on and when we live our way, we live in defiance! Who has authority in your life? Sometimes we choose to ignore God's authority on our life. 

We choose our ways over his, we choose our plan instead His great work, we choose... To be defiant. Join us this Sunday at CWS as we start a new series Defiance : Rebels Without A Cause. I need to hear this and so do you!  See you there! #liveoutlove #enlarge2013 #CWS #LOL #loveandrelationships

Enjoy The Ride,

Pastor Cee

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Messed Up Pastor of A Messed Up Church

I am a person that gets to be a pastor.  I am a messed up person that experiences the love, grace, mercy, and power of God in my life.  I get to pastor a church of messed up folks that are experiencing the same from the same God.  We are all messed up coming together to experience Jesus.  He is perfect.  His love is perfect.  His comforter, the Holy Spirit, is perfect.  We worship and serve a perfect God.  

Wait a minute ... it doesn't stop there though ... We wont settle for less than what Jesus expects of us and what the Word of God provides for us as our standard of living.  Just because we come all messed up doesn't mean we will continue all messed up.  If that were the case, we wouldn't be called the church.

This church is a group of people that lives out love and will not allow each other to kill us, hurt others, and ourselves and die in our sin.  It will hurt and get messy but His love, grace, and power TRANSFORMS lives.  Not only will God see a transformed heart but also His body, the church, will see a transformed life.  An encounter that leads to growth, service, and lifestyle that is a witness to God's unfailing love and amazing grace!

Walk humbly and live in a way that is holy and pleasing unto the Lord.  You have a call on your life! You are the CHILD OF GOD, CHOSEN GENERATION, ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, HOLY NATION, and PECULIAR PEOPLE!

Enjoying The Ride, 

Pastor Cee

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hold On To These Promises

7 Promises When You Are Afraid        

This is the WORD OF THE LORD ...
1. God says...I promise My Love has no fear
      2  Tim 1:7  For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
1 John 4:18  Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.

2. God says... I promise I am with you
      Psalms 23:4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

3. God says... I promise I will help you
      Hebrews 13:6  So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?”

4. God says... I promise I will protect you
      Psalms 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.

5. God says... I promise I got your back
      Isaiah 35:4 Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.”

6. God says... I promise I can do it again
      2 Corinthians 1:10 And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us.

7. God says... I promise I've given you the victory
      Romans 7:37 - 39 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Enjoy The Ride,
Pastor Cee

Monday, April 29, 2013

It's Been A Great Ride ... Thank You!

Over five years ago, God orchestrated a shift in my "career" and life.  I believe it was based on a decision made 8 years ago.  When you commit to Him, He will lead you in a path that only He knows whats coming down the road.

I came in for the interview in a pin-striped suit and tie and that was the last time I wore that to work.  Pastor Steve and the leadership gave an opportunity for me to come on staff here at Bethlehem Assembly of God over 5 years ago.  God opened this door as a miracle for our family at that time.  Since then, this time, experience, relationships, and memories are lifetime miracles.  To you, I say, THANK YOU!

God placed me here on purpose to hopefully be a blessing to Bethlehem AG and prepare me for what lies ahead for our ministry life. I've been able to witness and glean knowledge, wisdom, insight, strategy, and courage to handle the: "what to, when to, where to, how to, why to, who to..." (and the NOT TO's) of church ministry from my time here. 

This time has truly been a preview for what lies ahead.  It's like when David got to walk thru the king's palace before his appointment.  I learned how a church with a clear vision, and a defined purpose, and a divine dream can serve, minister, grow, and operate.  To be honest, in the beginning, I wished how the churches I and my generation grew up in could watch and learn.  But as the years went by, the Holy Spirit kept reminding me, that He didn't bring me here to conduct "training sessions" but GO from here with what I have equipped you and lead by example for your generation & communities I will give you.  And over the years, He continues to orchestrate miracles after miracles in ministry. 

To all the pastors that I've had the privilege to work for and with, I say, THANK YOU!
To all the administration & ministry support staff, I've had the privilege to serve alongside, I say, THANK YOU!
To all the many ministry leaders, I've had the privilege to help, I say, THANK YOU!
To all the volunteers I've had the privilege to see bless the church, I say, THANK YOU!
To all the board members I've had the privilege to know, I say, THANK YOU!

The past 5 years of serving, working, and learning at Bethlehem Assembly of God has been truly amazing.  I believe and pray that the relationships from here will continue to grow, Bethlehem AG has greater days ahead, and together we will help lift up the name of Jesus higher!

Enjoyed This Ride,

Pastor Cee

Monday, April 1, 2013

Historic Day for Lives & CWS

Over the past month or so, we've been creeping up to triple digits in attendance and on Easter Sunday we had 112 people with over a dozen new people from community! It's great to see faces come in from a simple outreach.  The record attendance is great.  The outreach being fruitful is great.  The teamwork is great. 

But this is worth it ...

Three decisions for Christ and many lives at the altar crying out to God and experiencing the greatest EMBRACE ... from a risen and living Savior! 

PLUS ...

Let me share one testimony I heard from an out-of-town visitor that really sums it all up.  They walked into the church and experienced the presence of God.  The person went on to say that everything about the service and people are genuine and authentic.  They capped it off by stating that as often as they come back to NY, they found their church home.  We look forward to having them there. 

I ask you, are we going to see you there too?  Do you need a place to call home?  Do you need to experience the presence of God that will change your heart, mind, and life?  Have you tried everything else and still left with the same problems?  I tell you that Jesus can save, help, heal, and change you.  I tell you that Jesus is here at CWS because we are intentional about lifting Him high every chance we get. 

If you don't have a church to call home and want to experience what God is doing, we invite you to join us on Sundays at 930 am.  You'll have a testimony to share too. 

Enjoy The Ride,


p.s. Thank you to all the volunteers that make CWS a blessing to many lives and many more to come!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

This Is What I See God Doing

I don't know about you but, this is what I see God doing at CWS:

I see ... a fellowship hall with laughter, worship, & united in prayer.

I see ... a sanctuary full of people with standing room only.

I see ... overflow parking lots opened and jam packed.

I see ... a main road traveled by many on foot to get to church.

I see ... lives we know and strangers usually not seen in a church.

I see ... broken and hurting lives shedding tears of pain, hurt, and joy.

I see ... lives give their heart to the Lord.

I see ... people being set free by His grace, Word, and power.

I see ... lives living out love. 

I see ... families connecting to the church.

I see ... a church that is about to burst at the seams.  ENLARGE!

I see ... a weekend of fellowship, building relationships, prayer, hard work, reaching into the community, and a celebration of epic proportions.

I see ... this not just for "Easter" weekend but every time we gather.
Enjoy The Ride,


Monday, March 18, 2013

When God Taps You On The Shoulder

When you get that tap what will you do?  I got that tap on the shoulder on April 26, 2005.  Almost 8 years exact to the day, I have made a decision to resign from my place of employment to enter full time ministry. 

I will be stepping into the river as Joshua instructed the priests before they crossed the river to enter the promised land.  We are trusting God to do His miraculous work through our lives for His glory and Kingdom.  I've thought about this moment for years and it didn't play out the way I thought it would.  He made it reality in only the way He could ... AMAZINGLY!  The announcement to the church was made last Sunday on Vision Sunday.  Watch it here:

When I committed my life for ministry, I said, "I don't know when, where, how but He will lead."  He has been preparing me through learning experiences in life, ministry, and employment at a large and growing multi-ethnic church (Bethlehem Assembly of God).

An excerpt from the always-in-process ministry manifesto:
"The selection, call, and results will all be because of His grace. Charles Spurgeon said it well, “I always say to young fellows who consult me about the ministry, ‘Don't be a minister if you can help it,’ because if the man can help it, God never called him. But if he cannot help it, and he must preach or die, then he is the man.” There is a passion God is burning inside of me to plant churches that minister to all people. My intention is not to be successful, but I want to be effective. God will take care of the success-factor. I remember Dr. Wallace Sibley stating at our ministerial commissioning service, “God didn’t call us to be successful but He called us to be faithful.” I have been called to live my life with a real-time awareness and consciousness of God. There has to be a dream and a purpose behind anything we do for the Lord. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) I want to be faithful to God’s vision in and for my life.

God has been and is doing a great work in my personal life. My beautiful, loving, and discerning wife, Sherin is a tremendous blessing to me in life and ministry. God blessed us with two precious daughters, Abigail and Kayla.

I believe that everything that is happening in my life in these days is leading me to the ultimate step of faith of stepping out into the full-time ministry. He is moving all the pieces of the puzzle around me into place and in His time, He will move me into the right place according to His will. The life I have enjoyed literally and figuratively growing up in the church is a blessing for me and my family."  
Enjoying The Ride,

Pastor Cee