Monday, June 20, 2011

Be Men Of ...

Based on Mark 9:14-29 ...

To the Dads:
1. Be men of prayer.  Speak up in the chaos.  Cry out to Jesus in the middle of the craziness and noise of the world around you. 

2. Be men of obedience & action.  If God asks you something or directs you to do something, just do it.  You don't have to be someone you're not or do something you're not meant to.  Just be who you are in Christ. 

3. Be men of faith.  Believe for your today and your tomorrow.  When the situation calls for you to give in or give up, you keep believing in Jesus for your breakthrough.

4. Be men of commitment. Do not give up on someone or something because it's not what you expected or hoped it would be.  If God gave it to you, He can give you the grace and strength to stay committed to the people or situation.  Be committed to God, your family, and your calling. 

5. Be men of excellence.  Always want the best for your family.  Work hard for it.  God will honor your desires and ambitions.  Do your part and He has promised to do His.
To the Church:
1. When the world comes to us, the "disciples", looking for help, prayer, and support, lets make sure that we are strong in God, full of His Spirit, and ministering unto them with love.  Let the world not say, the "disciples couldn't do it.".  We can learn from the situation ... certain things can only be handled thru fasting & prayer. 

2. Do not doubt the power of Jesus Christ.  We should not say, "if you can Lord, do this?".  We need to believe that Jesus can and will do it.  Our faith will determine the eventual results.  Jesus can do EVERYTHING.  Do we believe that HE CAN!  "Everything is possible for him who believes." - Mark 9:23

Enjoy the Ride,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

CWS Ministering @ NY COG State Camp Meeting

Blown away by the grace of God and His awesome power.
Vocals: Ancy, Linds, Asha
Musicians: Joseph, Jeremy, Steven, Jeff

Enjoy The Ride,


Monday, June 13, 2011

Prophetic Word for First COG

Jimmy Mathew was with us on May 15, 2011.  It's a reminder and an inspiration.

Enjoy the Ride,


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wisdom First

Small excerpt from last Sunday's message series: Vital Signs: Wisdom
James 3:13-18 & 1 Kings 3:3-15

2 Types of Wisdom & It's Characteristics
a) Earthly: envy, selfish ambition, boast, unspiritual, of the devil, disorder, confusion, evil practice
b) Heavenly: pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial, and sincere

*Ambition: its good to have it so we can move ahead and accomplish different things with our life here.  However, if we cross the line, we hurt people along the way and our intentions are skewed and it does not bring glory to God.  This is where meekness and ambition need to work together.  I'm very ambitious especially when it comes to ministry and local church.  My heart is for the local church because I believe that is God's home and channel thru which He reaches and transforms the hopeless, hurting, and lost.  I want to see individuals growing in Christ and the church growing to impact the community and the world!

We connect it to the wisest person in history: King Solomon.  He had a dream where God spoke to him and presented him with a "blank check" in 1 Kings 3:5 ... "Ask for whatever you want me to give you."  WOW!  If God gave us that opportunity, what would we do with it?  Solomon responds in the form of a prayer in verses 6-9.  Solomon was REFLECTIVE (grateful for history), RELEVANT (know the situation), REAL (who we are), & then made REQUEST (for wisdom & discerning heart)!

Solomon asked for wisdom and it was given to him.  Immediately he was tested as you read from verses 16 on.  Be careful what you ask for, because He will answer and you could be tested right away.  But you notice in verse 13 that God gave Solomon more than he asked for.  We usually fill the "blank check" with the "riches and honor" request and then squander it because we didn't have the wisdom how to use those "blessings". 

The challenge to us is this: Fill in that blank check ... the "money box" with wisdom instead of our "wish list" of material or physical blessings.  If we ask for wisdom first, He will give us everything else we need to fulfill our calling, responsibility, and mandate on this earth for His glory.  He knows how He wants to use you for His purpose and He'll give you the tools to accomplish that.  Just ASK FOR WISDOM FIRST!

Enjoy The Ride,
