Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

It's been a while since the past 2 weekends have been filled with travel and milestones along this journey. 

What a weekend!  Short trip to Philly.  Spent Saturday at the Philadelphia Zoo.  Seeing some of the animals and how funny they look to us made us wonder how God must have a sense of humor when He created all these creatures (hippos and rhinos).  Seeing some other animals made us wonder why He took the time to create them (reptiles section) ... Sher didnt care for the lizards!  =)  Then we came back to the hotel and just relaxed with Sher and Abi in the pool.  Abi loves the water and she tried on her new princess swimsuit. 

Sunday morning we were at church in Philly.  We missed CWS and everyone back home, but everything was in good hands.  For the first time, I ministered from the Word for Holy Communion & administered communion to the congregation with the help of other servants of God.  Talk about being nervous but confident that He'd help me thru it by His grace. Thank God because they said they were blessed with the message and the service.  They saw it in a different way that made them think how important communion is for us.

Monday morning met up with everyone to march and serve in the Elmont Memorial Day Parade.  Great turnout and teamwork from our church - 28 people - from 6 month old baby to 60 year old grandpa and everyone in between!  Everyone gave out hundreds of bottled water and invite cards to onlookers along the parade route.  Then more giveaways at the festivities at the end of the parade.  Served the community with over 350 cold bottled waters on hot day along parade route, several Fresh Start Strong Faith tshirts, and hundreds of invite cards.  Sharing the hope that Jesus can give was an awesome experience.  A memorable part in the day was when out of nowhere the parade chairman came to me and asked: "Pastor, do you have anyone that can sing the National Anthem?".  My eyes and smile got really big and said, "Oh yes we do, sir!" 
Here's what happened: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/video/video.php?v=10150190989876615&comments. (Log in to Facebook).  "Totally unexpected to us but all part of His Master plan!!!. ." "It's amazing how God opens the right doors. We are blessed to be a blessing.. awesome" "That was AWESOME"

Enjoying The Ride,


Monday, May 16, 2011

New Service - Vision Sunday II

Enjoy this short clip highlighting some great thing happening at CWS the past 2 months and also what is coming ahead.  If you don't have a church to call as home, please come thru and check it out.  You just might get caught up in the move. 


Enjoy The Ride,


Playing Favorites?

If God the Father played favorites, He wouldn't send Jesus and give us the New Testament.
If God the Son played favorites, He wouldn't get on that cross and die for everyone.
If God the Holy Spirit played favorites, He would have just called it a day, on Pentecost. 

God in all of His glory loves everyone.  He hates sin, but He loves the sinner.  He has chosen all of us, we have the choice to accept His love for us.  He loves the beauty queen and the one that never got asked out on a date.  He loves the millionaire and the homeless.  He loves the educated and the illiterate.  He loves every nationality. 

James 2:1-13 talks about showing favoritism and how it's a sin.  We are not to place judgment on people based on how we see them.  We are to show mercy on people based on how God sees them.  Let's be aware of how we act and treat people.  If we've been on the wrong end of favoritism, know that we are loved and seen as a person that was fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of God.  If we've been dishing out favoritism, let's reflect, be contrite and ask forgiveness, and remember to walk humbly before the Lord.

We don't get to choose who should hear the Gospel message, we do get to choose whether or not to share the message of hope with people.  Let's make the right choices.

Enjoy The Ride,


Monday, May 9, 2011

First Mother's Day

Yesterday was special in many ways.  One was that it was the first Mother's Day at the CWS.  The Children's Ministry leader and her team did a great job in putting together a short and sweet presentation. The kids from Kids Korner Explorers & Discovery Kidz came together and read out words of appreciation to the mothers.  Then there was a short video clip highlighting the wonderful things about mothers.  Happy Mothers Day everyday!

Let's keep all mothers in prayer.  No one is perfect, including mothers, but they are precious in the eyes of God.  Don't forget to pray for those who never knew their mother, or those who have had to say goodbye to their mothers on this earth, or those who want to be mothers so bad but are not yet, or those that want to be a good mom but dont know how.  Hey, also pray for the single moms that are doing it all on their own.  And for the single dads that have to be the "moms" to their kids too. 

Since you're in a praying mode ... why not come out for a night of prayer?  This Friday night at the church!

Enjoy The Ride,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

T & T Effect - Part 1: Trials

Just like we have vital signs that are medically examined to ensure there is life in our physical body, there are vital signs to see if there is life in our spiritual being.  Faith is one of the vitals signs for a follower of Jesus Christ.  Trusting in Him through our good days and our not so good days.  Having the living Word of God in our hearts is another vital sign.  When we face temptations from Satan, use the Word of God to defeat His attacks.

If you read James chapter 1, you will see what I call the "T & T Effect".  Trials and Temptations affecting our spiritual vital signs.  Trials (tests) are from God to develop our faith in Him.  It says to be happy when you face trials.  How weird is that?  Are you serious?  It might not be easy to smile looking at the trial straight up, but smile at the fact that God still cares about you by testing you.  Look beyond the trial and you see that He wants to build your faith, endurance, and character.  Our spiritual muscles are stronger because of the testing of our faith.  We become more mature and complete in  Him. 

In the middle of the sermon on Sunday, as everyone was quietly sitting there listening, I asked everyone to get ready for a "surprise" test.  Asked the ushers to hand out answer sheets and pencils.  Everyone, including ushers looked at me with a puzzled look.  They all were wondering what's going on and trying to figure out what's next.  After a few seconds of anxiety, I revealed it was a joke.  No surprise test.  But it served a point, sometimes as we are just strolling along in life, God will throw us a "surprise" test in life.  He'll throw us in a situation we never dreamt of.  He'll take something away from us.  He'll see how much you really trust Him or trust something or someone else for our existence.  We have no choice but taking the surprise test.  We do have a choice on HOW we take it.  Trust in Him.

When you pass His test, you get the best reward.  Not a sticker or star, or a gift from loved ones, that are great but all temporary and will fade away in time.  God will give you the crown of life in heaven.  That crown is being specifically made for you.  He is sizing it for you as you pass each test He gives you.  Verse 12 says it best, "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

Tests administered by people of this earth, are to evaluate how much you know.  Tests administered by God is to see if you trust Him and if you do, it will build your faith, give you perseverance which leads to maturity and being complete. 

Stay tuned for T & T Effect - Part 2: Temptations

Enjoy The Ride,
