Monday, May 16, 2011

Playing Favorites?

If God the Father played favorites, He wouldn't send Jesus and give us the New Testament.
If God the Son played favorites, He wouldn't get on that cross and die for everyone.
If God the Holy Spirit played favorites, He would have just called it a day, on Pentecost. 

God in all of His glory loves everyone.  He hates sin, but He loves the sinner.  He has chosen all of us, we have the choice to accept His love for us.  He loves the beauty queen and the one that never got asked out on a date.  He loves the millionaire and the homeless.  He loves the educated and the illiterate.  He loves every nationality. 

James 2:1-13 talks about showing favoritism and how it's a sin.  We are not to place judgment on people based on how we see them.  We are to show mercy on people based on how God sees them.  Let's be aware of how we act and treat people.  If we've been on the wrong end of favoritism, know that we are loved and seen as a person that was fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of God.  If we've been dishing out favoritism, let's reflect, be contrite and ask forgiveness, and remember to walk humbly before the Lord.

We don't get to choose who should hear the Gospel message, we do get to choose whether or not to share the message of hope with people.  Let's make the right choices.

Enjoy The Ride,


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