Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It’s February, there’s snow on the ground (all over the U.S.), and we can see red all around us. Red balloons, stuffed animals, boxes with chocolate inside, etc…This is the month for “love” as per the holiday calendar. Save me a piece of chocolate. The world has transitioned from the birth of Jesus – Christmas – to focusing on a day named after a “saint” Valentine. From the ultimate to the “passionate”.

The Bible’s central theme highlights true love, the sacrificial and self-giving love of Jesus Christ. In 1 John chapter 4, we read about this love. The source of love is God himself. God is love. There is strong language there that says that if we don’t love, we don’t know God. We walk around thinking we “know” God but still cannot love – we’re just fooling ourselves. As He is the source and we had the privilege to receive and accept this love, we cannot be satisfied with that alone. The Dead Sea has no life because there is no way for the water to flow out of it – it just collects the water from the rivers. There is no outlet from this sea. We cannot just be collectors but providers and givers of the love of God. When we love God, ourselves, and others we are giving this love a channel to operate. When that love is in operation, God’s love is being shared and He is glorified.

Jerry Maguire uttered the famous line, “show me the money” in relation to getting a sports franchise to pay one his athlete clients the most money to play for them. God didn’t whisper sweet nothings into our ears, but He shouted it with the act of having his only Son sacrificed, killed, slaughtered like a lamb, for our eternal salvation, deliverance, healing, and victory. Even while we were sinners – liars, cheaters, scammers, haters, etc. – He loved us so much to die for us. We show our love with gifts that have a limited price and value - flowers, teddy bears, jewelry (oh I meant watches), etc. The world today defines love with sex, touchy-feely affection, great looks and material wealth. But heaven defines love with sacrifice and relationship. One symbol is not a heart with an arrow thru it, but a wooden cross with a sign on top, three nails, blood stains, flesh, sweat, and tears. That was our gift and that gift is available to all of humanity. Are we presenting it thru the love we showcase in our lives?

Enjoy The Ride,


1 comment:

  1. Great post.

    I also like how you close your posts with "Enjoy The Ride." :)
