Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Family Planting

If you asked me five years ago or even 2 years ago, if I'd be planting flowers and vegetables at our home, I would have looked behind me and back at you and said, "are you talking to me?" ... and then probably laughed! Now you can laugh at me.

Last year I did some planting of flowers in our flower bed and some other parts of the yard just to make it look neat and lively. The bushes are growing and perennials are back ... so something worked. This year, we just took it to a new level ... it was a family affair. My lovely wifey helped plant some annuals in the driveway and even our little girl helped daddy with planting perennial bulbs. The wifey was on a roll and kept going by raking "organic choice" (her choice) garden soil into the garden patch in our backyward ... why you ask? Because we planted vegetables.

The same guy that kept asking his dad while growing up at home, why waste your time gardening vegetables is now the guy that is digging dirt and planting SQUASH, BELL PEPPERS, AND TOMATOES. Funny part is that wife wants the vegetables but she didnt want to get in the dirt. We made a deal, I'll plant, but she will have to water and take care of it. We'll see how long that lasts! =) I love her and cant wait to get the first meal from our own garden! Hopefully something grows!

There are more plants waiting to be planted still sitting in the garage. It's been a bit chilly the past couple of days here. To be honest, planting flowers and taking care of the yard is kind of relaxing ... until the back aches later that night.

Enjoy The Ride,


1 comment:

  1. The process of planting flowers has certainly proven to be a relaxing one for me as well. I look forward to it every May! Aside from actually planting it, I enjoy watching it grow, bring color, petals, leaves, and beauty to my pots and flower bed. Now, we're just talking about flowers but imagine how much more our Heavenly Father enjoyed forming us and then taking great pride in watching us grow and bear fruit. He waits patiently each day, watching us, taking care of us, watering us with His word, showering us with His love...and what do we have to show for it? Do I exude color? Do I make my father proud? Does he look at me and think beauutiful?!? My prayer is to be a vessel that our Father looks at and says, 'yes, you did good', 'you made me proud'!
