Wednesday, December 1, 2010

God Is Touching All

These are excerpts from an "e-testimony" after a recent prayer time at a home in Elmont ... Hope this encourages you!

Dear ones in Christ Jesus,

I was really amazed to hear the wonderful testimony about what God has done in Danny's life at the prayer meeting in Sujith and Grace's home. Dear ones let's be more serious in our ministries and especially the prayer meetings. God is trying to do something through us...Please find time to sit in His presence.

Hey everyone,

We had the chance to talk to some of you about what Danny told us after the prayer at Sujith and Grace's place. But for those who have not yet heard...

After the prayer that day Danny said he had "felt God". When we asked him what he meant he explained that he had experienced warmth inside. We asked him how he knew it was God and he said, very seriously, that he felt "all his worries were gone and he felt all happy inside". Now Danny, many of you may not know, worries A LOT! For example, he will have difficulty sleeping the night before the 1st day of school, he worries about his friends, he gets very upset if someone he knows is sick, most recently, he couldn't sleep until daddy came home after the Midnight Run, worrying if his Dada was ok. So for Danny to say all his worries were gone, it had to be GOD!!!

We were excited to know that Danny had an encounter with GOD! An encounter that was personal and one he will never forget. Praying that GOD will be REAL to all of our children, that they may and taste and see that the LORD is good for themselves (not just once but continuously)!

Amen that's awesome!!

I, personally had a great time when we prayed for all our children, even for the ones in the womb and the ones to come.. (how awesome it is that we can pray in faith for the generations that will come forth of us even when we don't see it YET) I had definitely felt an encounter myself and how awesome to hear that one of our little ones felt the same!! God was definitely there and moving full on!! Let us continue to pray for our children that there would be a thirst inside of them that will not be quenched with anything less than Christ Himself. When we pray in faith, we shall receive....

Be blessed!!

Enjoy The Ride,


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