Monday, April 4, 2011

New Service Plant's Missions Miracle

Couple of weeks off from writing ... Quick recap since last post:

Missions Possible Sunday @ Community Worship Service of First COG.  Let's just say it is a God-thing!

The ushers took the offering and quickly counted so we can inform the congregation of what they were able to do for missions.  We announced $2K or so immediately.  That was a great number for a new service plant's inaugural missions offering from a congregation of about 50 people.  But I guess God wasn't done.  The team went upstairs to do a more elaborate count and realized actually there was a lot more offered and pledged.  After the "recount", the new amount was $8000.  All of us sitting around the table counting the money and cards, just were in amazement.  "You've got to be kidding me!" is what I remember saying/thinking!  God is definitely moving in different ways!  And He isn't done yet, because more people has stated they will be supporting.  Thank God for everyone and all that He is doing!

The missions team had identified certain persons and project to support:
A) Ann Vadakottu - Missionary to Guatemala ... work with children at an orphanage.  She is a full-time missionary going for 1 year to Guatemala.  Her dream is to minister in India.

B) NF - - Serving in Middle East ... work with women and children.  She is going to serve for 3 years. 

C) Japan Disaster Relief - via Church of God World Missions.  Bring essential aide to the cities ravaged by the earthquake and tsunami.

Please keep these people and project and all in the missions field in your prayers!

Enjoy The Ride,


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