Saturday, May 5, 2012

To My Wife - Happy 30th!

Sher, on this memorable and momentous day of your life ... I wish you a blessed happy birthday! 30's are just a number ... just enjoy the moment.

Sher, today I'm reminded of this prophetic word from God to you over 3 years ago . "Your wife treasures up everything in her heart... Whatever she says will be correct. She tells everything to God. She has tasted the Lord in her life."

As a friend, husband, father, and partner in ministry, it's a tremendous privilege to have you in my life.

I'm humbled and honored to be a part of it. I get a a very unique perspective into your life.  You are a blessed woman.  You are committed daughter to both families.  You are a caring sister.  You are my beautiful wife and friend.  You are a loving, sacrificing, and courageous mother.  You have a quiet spirit that resonates.  You're not a big "rah-rah" person, but your quiet time prayers are loud in God's ears. Your tenacity for our family is something I cherish and admire.  Your sacrificial heart for our children is amazing.

God has brought you to this point and He is faithful to lead you forward.  Let's continue to enjoy this ride together...let's stick with each other, we'll be ok! 

Isaiah 55:8,9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

- Cee

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