Monday, October 1, 2012

Baggage Tweets Part 3: The "G" Word

The "G" Word snippets in 140 characters or less ...

My guilt has burdened me like a burden too heavy to bear, said David. Are you saying that today? Let go of baggage called GUILT.#theGword

Have you given or been given "guilt-trip" for something in the past? God has forgiven you/them. Encourage each other. 2 Cor. 2:7#theGword

God doesn't want His children to suffer from guilt. How do I know? It's called Grace. Lay down guilt and take on Grace of God #theGword

Don't let our hearts be concrete that true guilt is ignored. It's like a warning light in car for something is wrong. Deal w/it #theGword

You can be guilty of sin based on Word & still not feel guilty. True guilt should lead to repentance & restoration via grace #theGword

False guilt is just the lie & trick of Satan in your ears. We "feel" guilty for something which God has already forgiven. #theGword

Is he using "emotional blackmail" to hinder your growth? Tell Satan to shut up when he whispers in your ears with false guilt #theGword

Handle true guilt by: grieving, confessing, repenting, reconciling, & praising! Thank God for His love & grace. #theGword

If we fail to accept & apply Word of God, our attitudes & actions will display the hurt and pain caused by guilt. Let it go. #theGword

Guilt holds us back from moving forward. Don't be stuck in your past. Live looking forward to what God has in store for you. #theGword

God devised ways starting back in Genesis to not be separate from us. His final plan was to give up His prized possession #theGword

I might be guilty of sin but I'm also aware that grace abounds more than where sin abounds. Romans 5:20&21 #theGword

Let's understand grace give us opportunity to raise our standard of living. If we realize the power of this love, we get it. #theGword

You have been declared NOT GUILTY because of Grace. Titus 3:7 7 Inherit your new life in Him. #theGword

You are made right with God because of what He did, not what you did or didn't do. Thank God for grace. #theGword

But now in a single victorious stroke of LIFE, all 3 - sin guilt death are gone, the gift of our Master, Jesus Christ, Thank God! #theGword

Set your eyes heart & mind on heavenly things since you have been given a new life. Not much compared to what was given to us #theGword

Enjoy The Ride,


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