Monday, March 4, 2013

This Was Fun

Looking back, I really had a good time with this series.  I know I learned so much and the Holy Spirit taught me a lot about the text and bringing it to life.  It felt like reading through a short story with every emotion, highs and lows, different characters, and a great story line.  The past several weeks in studying, praying, preparing, and presenting the REDEMPTION series has been a great experience for me.  I believe it was a blessing to the church as well.  Get on the road to redemption.  There's no place better!

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We can go from bittersweet pondering on all that we have lost or keep trusting in God to lead us back to Him through His love for us.  Get yourself together and decide to follow Jesus and if and when you do, your comeback has started.  Just cling to Jesus, no one else, nothing else, just cling to Him!

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We can receive the grace of God and grow in it because it sets us up for success, gives us access, it protects and provides for our needs, and its simply amazing!

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There must be more than this.  We sometimes settle for OK.  But OK is not in the vocabulary for God because He is excellent.  Life isn't always smooth sailing.  There will be rough patches, storms, and threshing floor experiences.  You might be going through a "ground zero" in your life right now, but don't let Satan make you think you are done.  You must rest in Him and His grace. 

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Is the person you are today, the person you want to be tomorrow? Are you bold enough to carry out your purpose? Are you willing to make an impact wherever you go?  Somebody is watching your decisions today because your decisions will affect your generations tomorrow.  What will your decisions today say about your tomorrow? Are you going to live and trust in the law that is limited or are you going to abide in the fruitful grace that is Jesus Christ.
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Enjoying The Ride,

Pastor Cee

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